Although this is not the first poem I ever wrote (more on that later), I consider this the work that created confidence in my writing in my adult life.
I wrote this as a challenge to myself for a work poetry competition. I spent a lot of time trying to make it look a certain way and wondered about the heavy content only to do it and win the competition.
The reason for the content was because I always sort of lamented on the problems with the sterotypical black people. When I was in school, I struggled with trying to fit into the mold that was created for black boys. My parents did not buy me clothes that would allow me to look that look. Honestly, I hated them a bit for that. But then, I went to a historically black school and saw that there is no sterotypical black person. Only the image that society perpetuates on us but we can break that mold.
Quick side note: the picture below is inspiration from when I decided to go plant based Whole Foods for a while. I really enjoyed the browning with black beans and cocoa. If you want to try it, click here.
This poem is a reflection of that sentiment and encouragement to my people to be true to ourselves and never let anyone put us in a box.
Sing a song they say
Dance like Beyoncé and do that little sway
Suspicion of the brother equals purse clutching in the street
Yet they struggle to think of one black friend
Who seems much safer to meet
I walk through a parking lot and doors magically go lock
By the same people who are only too eager to recall that one homie who is from the block
I got laughed at for making good grades
Told I was actin white by the kid with the fade
Good behavior and pleasant manners
Seem to be in bad taste
But mix in a little thug life
And my black friends won't think I'm a waste
What's wrong with my picture?
Why is the world as such?
We suppress the nuances of our culture
So we do not seem like too much
Trading the tasty richness of our heritage
For our current social poison is sacrilege
Y'all don't seem to understand me, FINE
I'll explain it with chocolate and cocoa
which should keep me on time
Chocolate represents conformance
Cocoa represents design
Chocolate is our performance
Cocoa isn't so benign
Chocolate, sweet to the taste
Yet in our diet it has no place
Cocoa, bitter as coal
Yet it heals and enriches the soul
Chocolate, created because man can't stomach the truth
They would rather sacrifice comfort in the place of eating real food
Chocolate, a mallet to the height bell of cholesterol
Cocoa, a gentle treat created to improve the senses of all
Cocoa is the key to healing, the key to feeling, and the embodiment of well being.
Cocoa cannot be tamed, it cannot be altered, nor can it falter.
It comes as it is and it requires a different world view
It can completely change you.
Do you see what I mean?
Is it becoming clear?
Simplifying our culture makes us seem clean
While it further perpetrates the fear
We are battered from both sides
They all desire success
Some seeking our failure while waddling in their mess
Others calling to us from the pinnacle, that is the very top
Not understanding certain privileges and how it contributes to our flop
Some get angry and cry justice for all
When all they do is game the system
Ignoring their contribution to the fall
The others see this and in frustration speak out
Not understanding what causes some of us to pout
I'm not saying let's hit the streets
And start a protest
I am pointing out a problem
That only so many have begun to attest
Our history exudes hard work
We struggled to persevere
Now we are know for our twerk
And how we always cultivate fear
We made such progress
Yet we continue to hold each other down
We all make America regress
When working together gives us the crown
Let's analyze how far we've come
So that we all may be better informed
Alerting the full issue of the struggle to some
Can finally bring complete reform
My friends...
Our culture is rich and hard to digest at the same time
But we must be vigilant and not censor ourselves as if it is a crime
This declaration isn't freedom to run out perpetrating every stereotype
However, I encourage you to go out and fight
Fight for your right to advance
Continue to push forward in the dance
Play the game with the hand you're dealt
Lift others up since you know how it felt
Reach out to help anyone in need,
and remember that cocoa and chocolate serve the same purpose
And that is to feed